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CREALITY 3D CR-10S/CR-X Inovované Tichý Doske Pre CREALITY 3D CR-X/CR-10S 3D Tlačiarne

CREALITY 3D CR-10S/CR-X Inovované Tichý Doske Pre CREALITY 3D CR-X/CR-10S 3D Tlačiarne

3D Tlače a 3D Skenovania

    • (2)

SKU: w142814

Štítky: cr x creality, cr 10 v2, späť iphone 7, 3d tlačiarne príslušenstvo profil, creality 10s cr pro v2 endstop, tronxi x5sa, vzdať sa 5 upgrade, kryt tlačiarne, 3d tlačiarne, 70 tlačiareň.


  • Názov Značky: CREALITY 3D
  • Položka Druh: základná doska

CREALITY 3D CR-10S/CR-X Inovované Tichý Doske Pre CREALITY 3D CR-X/CR-10S 3D Tlačiarne

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I'm dumbfounded. I did not expect this simple motherboard switch to make such a gigantic impact on the ultra noisy CR-X. You literally CAN'T hear the motors when the printer is working. The only thing I would suggest is that you also switch the power supply fan as it sounds like a dying goat. If you're wondering how loud the printer is going to be when you buy this mod, turn on your printer. The fan is the only thing you can hear. Also the seller didn't specify this but the motherboard version is the 2.2.1

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