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WalkingPad Mat Na bežiacom páse Ochranu Podlahy Proti šmyku Tiché Cvičenie Cvičenie Elimináciu Statickej Elektriny Pre Fitness Zariadenia

WalkingPad Mat Na bežiacom páse Ochranu Podlahy Proti šmyku Tiché Cvičenie Cvičenie Elimináciu Statickej Elektriny Pre Fitness Zariadenia


    €36.13 €73.74
    • (4)

SKU: w119070

Štítky: Fit, cvičenie machin, fit vybaviť, herné podložka pod myš, veľké yoga mat, pad chodiť, mat jogy, veľký bežecký pás, walkingpad, crowne nohavice.


  • Platné Fitness Vybavenie: Priestor Chôdza Stroj/Chôdza Stroj
  • Číslo Modelu: Chôdza Mat
  • Pôvod: CN(Pôvodu)
  • Vhodné pre: Šport Stroj/Bežecký Pás/WalkingPad/Chôdza Stroj
  • Dĺžka*Šírka*Výška: 65*155*3 CM
  • Značky: walkingpad
  • Názov Značky: walkingpad
  • Funkcia: Šok Absorpcie/Redukcia Šumu/Odolné Voči Oderu/Protišmykových

Naše Off-Line Obchodov

Shakra Airene


I doubted buying, I thought I 'd find a yoga mat, but going shopping became clear, that they do not fit in density. In fact, the Xiaomi mat was a very pleasant purchase, it is heavy about 2-3 kg, made of dense rubber without smell, beautifully packed, delivery by courier. When used, really reduces the noise level from the track to the fold in two, if you have laminate like me. Looks aesthetic, feels stabilize the legs from the track. Very much hope for anti-static effect, TK walking pad dial on itself dust, but I can not confirm this yet, it is necessary to test longer, but the sound mat exactly extinguishes. While I like it very much, and I liked the delivery and the store, the order came in 10 days, the price is 2000 with coupons



Товар получила чере 4 дня курьером до квартиры. Доставка из Москвы. Упакован в картонную коробку и в пленку. Мат прорезиненный, противоскользящий. Присутствовал запах, потом выветрился. Покупала для устранения статического элекстричества для беговой дорожки. Пыли стало меньше собираться. Хотя полы протираю регулярно перед ходьбой, но раньше откуда-то пыль появлялась под лентой.



Wine very fast in 2 days, it is fine but of good quality, it somewhat dampens the machine noise and is noted as more plummeted to the ground when you use it



Quality carpet. No smell and is suitable just the right size of the machine. Fast delivery. I recommend to 100%.

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